Best kidney specialist doctor in Dhaka
Top 5 Kidney specialist Doctor

Mejor General (Rtd.) Md. Ali Akbar

Prof. Dr. Asia Khanam

Prof. Dr. Ehteshamul Haque

Prof. Dr. Col. Abdul Kuddus Bhuiyan

Prof. Dr. M. A. Samad
Prof. Dr. M. A. Samad
Specialty: Nephrology
Designation: Professor
Degree: MBBS, MD (Nephro) FCPS (Medicine), FRCP (Glasgow, UK) Trained in Nephrology (USA, Japan, Singapore & India)CAPD Expert,Kidney and Medicine Specialist Chief Consultant & Head, Dept. of Nephrology Labaid Specialized Hospital
Kidney & Medicine Specialist, Trained in Kedney diseases(USA,Japan,Singapore,India)
Mobile: +88 0171-333-333-7
(24-hour Open)
Phone: +88 02 9676356 +88 02 58610793-8
Fax: +88 02 9615497
Customer Care: +88 0176 666 21 11
Labaid Specialized Hospital LTD.
Chamber Name & Address: House- 06, Road-04, Dhanmondi
Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Ehteshamul Haque
MBBS, MD (Nephro), Fellowship (Nephro, Japan)
Kidney, Ureter, & Urinary bladder Specialist
Professor & Head of Dept. Nephrology
Holy Family Red Cresent Medical College & Hospital
Chamber: Insaf Baraka Kidney and General Hospital,
11, Shahid Tazuddin Ahmed Shoroni, Mogbazar, Dhaka-1217
Phone: +88 01716 306631, 09613 445544
Prof. Dr. Col. Abdul Quddus Bhuiyan
Qualifications:MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Nephrology)
Specialty: Medicine & Nephrology
Language Spoken: Bangla, English
Designation: Professor
Institute: Armed Forces Medical College & CMH, Dhaka.
Department Name:Nephrology & Medicine
Appointment: 8833264-5, 8835556-7, 01844022228, 01832820950
Chamber Time: 7:00 PM-9.00 PM (Thursday & Friday 5:30pn to 9:00pm only)
Off Day: No Offday
Floor Number: Level-6
Room Number:706
Branch Name & Address: Ibn Sina Diagnostic & Consultation Center, Badda
Cha-72/1, Progoti Soroni, Uttar Badda, Dhaka, 1212.
Prof. Dr. Asia Khanam
Specialty – Nephrology
Designation: Professor
Degree – MBBS, MD (Nephrology) MBBS, MD (Nephrology)
Kidney (Medicine) Specialist MBBS, MD (Nephrology)
Mobile: +88 0171-333-333-7
(24-hour Open)
Phone: +88 02 9676356 +88 02 58610793-8
Fax: +88 02 9615497
Customer Care: +88 0176 666 21 11
Labaid Specialized Hospital LTD.
Chamber Name & Address: House- 06, Road-04, Dhanmondi
Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
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