Best Burns and plastic surgery Specialist doctor in Dhaka
Top 5 Burns and plastic surgeons

Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman


Dr. Ahmad Seraji

Dr. Faisal Muazzam

Dr. Md. Anwarul Islam

Dr. Tibar Banerjee
A burn is a thermal insult to the skin and underlying tissue. A good understanding of the physiology of burns is essential to effectively manage the burn patient’s care, in order to optimize recovery from a potentially life-threatening injury. An ABCDE approach is used to assess the patient, along with gaining a comprehensive history, including mechanisms of injury, the time elapsed since the burn, and any treatment already initiated. Plastic surgery is concerned with correcting or restoring form and function. It can involve reconstructive surgery, the treatment of burns, the removal of lesions, and cosmetic surgical procedures.
In Bangladesh residential or commercial both area are over populated and unrecognized slum type. So, here firing is a normal issue or common matter. And every ear lot's of people burn and dye because firing. So, we need some good bun unit in hospital at the same time we need some experience plastic surgeon.
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