Air Conditioner Repair, Service and Technical Support.
AC MART offers Air Conditioner Repair for all types of AC with different Model. No matter what brand you have or purchased. Get genuine parts and Expert technician support.
Air Conditioner Repair Guide. Today life, Air conditioner is not only a luxurious home appliances, it is the part of your daily life. Among all the home appliances like Fridge, Television, Motor, Mixer Grinder, air conditioner is one of the complex circuitry and hardware ever. And Also this product has a huge responsibility to take care your room temperature, dust and dehumidifyalso. So, this is a very complex process to do all these. Moreover a regular Air conditioner need to run for more then 12 hours in an average.
As a result the air conditioner needs routine checkup with expert technical person. Most air conditioner manufacturer company offers free service for 1 year. So, you will get free servicing for 12 months after the date of purchase. Some time customers feel bored this cleaning process. so they try to avoid it. But after a long time micro dust get stuck in the fins and blowers. Also the temperature sensor sometime affected with heavy dust. Many customers think it is like some other home appliances that they often use.
Compressoris the heart of an Air Conditioner. And a compressor generates heat and some radiation during its running time. The Experts recommend to keep a safe distance from the living area. In Air Conditioner, Two Types of compressor are used in residential model. Rotary and reciprocating. When the machine used for several times and compressor piston and coil been unusable. then it needs to be changed. Is is better to repair your air conditioner than to buy a new one. Because it is cost efficient and also reduce electronic waste in the universe.
AC Mart offers you expert technical person for identifying and detecting your AC faults and air conditioner repair. They check both indoor and outdoor unit, Gas pressure and run a compressor health diagnosis. Its always our view to make minimum serving / repairing cost for our valuable customers and clients.
Our Services: Air Conditioner Repair, service
Air Conditioner indoor and outdoor connection checking.
Gas pressure check with gas meter.
Air conditioner load check with Climb meter. Sometimes these detects compressor fault.
Compressor diagnosis. (Guide for Approximate life time).
Compressor Replacement with default or different type compressors.
Fins checkup and leakage detection. Leakage fixing or heavily damaged fins replacement.