Hello our valuable customers ! We have been servicing bengali food since long time and not only bengali food, we serve now chinese, indian,thai cuisine also.
Hello our valuable customers ! We have been servicing bengali food since long time and not only bengali food, we serve now chinese, indian,thai cuisine also.
Hello our valuable Customer/s !
For You
When you will order ‘on line’ any type of item (food), you have to pay minimum 60% of total price to our given bKash number.
Your order will be delivered after 3 (three) hours/more from order time/we will call you.
If you want to cancel your part/full order , you have to mail/call our given email/mobile number minimum before 2 (two) hours from delivery time.
If you cancel all your orders, 20% will be deducted from your deposited amount.
Our aim is to provide happiness through well-prepared meals using only quality ingredients and a pleasant environment that will make you feel home-like.