MBBS, FCPS (Med), MD (Card) Senior Consultant Cardiology/ Heart specialist

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Dr. Kaisar Nasrullah Khan


Alhamdulillah, I am a well trained and experienced medicine specialist and adult interventional & clinical cardiologist. I have twenty six years of broad multinational experience of health systems. I try to deliver best evidence based medical and cardiovascular care to my patients. I can combat stressful situations and extreme emergencies in a very effective and decisive way. I am a confident and reliable medical practitioner who works as a team player with proficient communication skills. I have the skills and knowledge of training doctors and expertise in setting up coronary care unit at a very very busy referral Cardiac center.



I take interest in developing skilled manpower like doctor, nurse and technician to develop interventional cardiology throughout the Bangladesh.

I take lecture on cardiology in different districts of Bangladesh to train general practitioner and cardiologist so that cardiac care can be reached to every patient of Bangladesh.

I also do public awareness program on “prevention and treatment of heart disease” in different parts of Bangladesh with general people and arrange “Free hart camp” with supply of cardiac medicine for one month for poor people with the help of pharmaceutical company.

Work History

  • Consultant, Clinical & Interventional Cardiology, United Hospital Ltd., Gulshan, Dhaka (Jul 2006 – till date).
  • Consultant, Clinical & Interventional Cardiology, Z.H. Sikdar Women’s Medical College & Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. Gulshan, Dhaka (Jan 2005-Jul 2006).
  • Fellow, Interventional Cardiology, Escorts heart institute & Research Centre. New Delhi, India (Jan 2004 – Dec 2004).
  • Assistant Registrar, Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease. Dhaka (Jul 2001 – Dec 2003).
  • Resident, Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease. Dhaka (Jun 1999 – Jun 2001).
  • Assistant Registrar, Internal Medicine, Unit-1, Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical university (BSMMU), Dhaka (Mar 1997 – Jun 1999).
  • Assistant Registrar, Internal Medicine, Unit-3, Sylhet M.A.G. Osmani medical College and hospital, Sylhet (Mar 1996 – Mar 1997).
  • Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, Mahajanghat Union Health Sub Centre, Chittagong (Nov 1995 – Mar 1996).
  • Medical Officer, General Medicine, Institute of Postgraduate Medicine and Research (IPGMR), Dhaka (Jan 1994 – Jun 1995).
  • Medical Officer, General Medicine, Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka (Aug 1993 – Dec 1993).
  • Internee Doctor, General Medicine, Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka (Feb 1993 – Jul 1993).
  • Internee Doctor, General Surgery, Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka (Aug 1992 – Jan 1993).


  • Fellow, Interventional Cardiology, Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre, New Delhi, India, 2004.
  • FCPS (Fellow of College  of Physicians and Surgeons,Medicine), Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 2002.
  • M.D (Doctor of Medicine,Cardiology), Dhaka University,Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 2001.
  • MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery), Sir Salimullah Medical College Dhaka, Bangladesh, July 1992.


  • In Hospital outcome patients with primary ventricular fibrillation following acute myocardial infarction.
  • Department of Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (NICVD) Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-2001.


  • Best challenging case award – symposium on interventional cardiology,Bangladesh Society of Cardiovascular Intervention (BSCI), 6th Aug 2010.

Society membership

  • Secretary General, Bangladesh Society of Cardiovascular Intervention, 2016-till date.
  • Joint secretary, Bangladesh Society of Cardiovascular Intervention,2012-2016
  • Fellow, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, USA since 2012
  • Member, European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI),since2006
  • Treasurer, Bangladesh Cardiac Society 2006-2012
  • Life member, The Chest & Heart Association of Bangladesh, Since 2004.
  • Life member, Association of Physician of Bangladesh (APB), since 2002.
  • Life member, Bangladesh College of Physician & Surgeon, Bangladesh, since 2002.
  • Life member, Bangladesh Medical Association,since2001


  1. PCI is better than CABG in multivessel coronary artery disease-23rd national scientific Conference ,Bangladesh cardiac society, 4th May ,2007
  2. Management of ACS: an update-2nd international conference on emergency medicine 2010,13 January, 2010.
  3. Rotablation atherectomy-only device for calcified lesion-SAARC congress of cardiology 2010, 3rdApril, 2010.
  4. Management of ACS: an update-21st annual conference and scientific essions, Association of physician of Bangladesh, 18-19 April, 2010
  5. Intervention in Bangladesh-what we have achieved & what yet to be!!-CME update on cardiology and cardiac surgery, Chittagong medical college hospital ,Bangladesh cardiac society, 23rd Dec, 2010
  6. Ischaemic heart disease-19th annual conference of Bangladesh Medical Association,12th March,2011
  7. Challenges in primary PCI-4th international cardiovascular conference, Ibrahim cardiac hospital & research centre,22nd April 2011
  8. Delayed perforation (after 2 hours) of first retrograde CTO recanalization of     Bangladesh: selected for presentation in complication session of EUROPCR 2011, France20th May,2011
  9. Retrograde approach for coronary cto-2ndBangla intervention therapeutics, Kolkata, India, 5thfeb 2012.
  10. My most difficult case-“Breakfast symposium- Neighbors in arms-AICT INDIA 6th     Oct 2012.
  11. Pill in the pocket is still a valid treatment modality for infrequent atrial fibrillation?-XV international symposium on progress in clinical pacing 6th dec2012 in Rome, Italy.
  12. “Streptokinase- still relevant? – 64thAnnual CSI Conference and SAARC Cardiac Congress 9th dec 2012, New Delhi, India


  1. Myocardial infarction in the young adults. Journal medical teacher’s federation 2001: Vo1 6 (2): 29-33.
  2. Congenital coronary pulmonary arterio venous fistula in a patient with triple vessel disease- a case report. Bangladesh heart Journal January 2003 : Vo1 18 No. 1: 76-79
  3. Congenital coronary artery Anomaly- Right coronary artery from left coronary sinus. Bangladesh heart Journal July 2003: Vo1 18 No. 2: 146-148.
  4. Long term results after successful mitral balloon vulvuloplasty- experience of 1033 patient. Bangladesh journal of cardiology. March 2010:vol 01:no 03:194-200
  5. Percuteneous Angioplasty and Stenting of Carotid Artery: Study of 18 Cases.
  6. Cardiovasc. Journal. 2010; vol-2(2):218-222.
  7. Primary angioplasty for the treatment of acute ST elevated Myocardial Infarction single centre experience. Cardiovascular journal January 2011, Vol: 3 No.2: 149-154.
  8. Clinical outcome of overlapping of drug eluting stents (DES)-study of 200 cases. Journal of cardiovascular intervention January 2011:Vol 1 No 1:10-15.
  9. Multi vessel PCI in the drug eluting stent era: Card-8 (abstract in scientific session) joint conference 2008, Bangladesh college of physicians and surgeons
  10. Long term clinical and echo cartographic results after successful mitral balloon valvotomy and pediatrics of long term outcome (Card-05). (abstract in scientific session) joint conference 2008, Bangladesh college of physicians and surgeons
  11. Correlation of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in patient having significant Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS) – A study of cases. (Card-7).
  12. Microvascular obstruction in PCI-A review. University Heart Journal January2011:Vol 7 No. 1 :48-52
  13. Correlation between Microalbuminuria with Complexity of Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients, Mymensingh Med J 2013 Apr; 22 (2): 353-357.
  14. Immediate Outcome of Chronic Total Occlusion Opening in Post Angioplasty Patients, Mymensingh Med J 2013 Jul; 22 (3): 489-495.
  15. Pulmonary Embolism – A Case Report: University Heart Journal; Jan 2016, vol-12, No-1, 40-44.
  16. Primary Angioplasty for the Treatment of Acute ST ElevatedMyocardial Infarction: Single Centre Experience of Three and Half Years, Mymensingh Med J 2017 Apr; 26 (2).
  17. Original Article: Death profile in heart failure patients: one and a half year retrospective study in a heart failure clinic at a tertiary care hospital: Abstruct no-85201, Accepted in ESC congress-2018.
  18. Correlation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction with Inhospital outcomes after First Attack of Non-ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Accepted for Society of Echocardiography Journal-2018.


  • Co-Investigator in an international trial “Resolute Asia” for evaluation of the Endeavor Resolute Zotarolimus-eluting stent system in a patient population with long lesion and / or dual vessels in Asia
  • Primary Investigator in an international trial “Improve brady” to evaluate the impact of the intervention on the diagnosis of SND & evaluate the impact of the intervention on SND subjects that receive an indicated IPG device.
  • Co-Investigator in an international study on “Management Strategy for Acute STEMI”.

Other Activities

  • International faculty in TCTMD USA 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017.
  • International faculty in TCT Asia Pacific 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015, 2016& 2017,Seoul, S. Korea.
  • International faculty in international symposium on progress in clinical pacing ,,4th-7thdec 2012,Rome ,Italy
  • International faculty in 8th Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference (AICT) 2012 : October 05-07, 2012, Gurgaon New Delhi
  • International faculty in 64thannual CSI conference& SAARC caadiac congress ,6th -9thdec 2012,NewDelhi,India
  • International faculty in India live 2013 ,27feb-2nd march 2013,Chennai,India
  • International faculty in Bangla intervention Therapeutics, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018, Kolkata, India & Dhaka, Bangladesh.



United Hospital Limited Plot # 15, Road # 71, Gulshan, Dhaka - 1217


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