US Cleaning Service

US Cleaning Service

US Cleaning Service is a professional cleaning service company in Bangladesh. We provide almost all types of cleaning services in Dhaka at affordable price.

Average Reviews



” বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম নির্ভরযোগ্য ক্লিনিং সার্ভিস প্রতিষ্ঠান US Cleaning Service. একদল দক্ষ কর্মীর নিরালস প্রচেষ্টা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সুনাম অক্ষুন্ন রেখেছে । “

Welcome to US Cleaning Service. We are offering the best cleaning services in Dhaka as well as hole country at a very affordable cost. Our 20 years of experience helping us to lead in this service industry. We have worked with very reputed companies in Bangladesh. We always ensure our clients to provide the best quality service. We know how important to keep clean your workplace or houses because it impacts on your mind. The neat and clean environment keeps your mind pleasure what helps to increase your productivity. So we take care and pay special attention for space to make it outstanding. So many new companies are trying to grab the opportunity is this service industry but we have noticed that they are not enough skilled to provide the quality service. On the other hand, it’s creating a very bad impression. So we always recommend people the hiring companies with high experience. So, if you want you can choose our cleaning services in Dhaka and across the country.

Professional Disinfection and Sanitization Service…

We offer Disinfection and Sanitization services for the following:

1. Commercial Properties,

2. Office

3. Hospitals

4. Polyclinics

5. Laboratories

6. Childcare

7. Schools

8. Residential Premises

Disinfection and Sanitization service-এর জন্য আমাদের দক্ষ টেকনিশিয়ান টিম প্রস্তুত আপনার বাসা কিংবা অফিসের জন্য।

হোম সার্ভিসের জন্যঃ+88 01711-162280, 02-9841600, 02-9882423

E-mail: [email protected]


Office Address: GA 78/A, Flat- 4A, Middle Badda, Dhaka-



Image may contain: 2 people, people playing sports, text that says 'অফিস, বাসা কিংবা ফ্যাক্টরির রেগুলার ক্লিনার সার্ভিস... Call for Home Service +88 01711 162280 02-9882423 02-9841600'


Business Hours

Open 24/7

Price Range

***Price will be vairied. it's depend on work volume***
৳ 500
৳ 12000


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